General Info
| RNDr. Michal Récky
ICQ: 299201122
office: E.3.11. Inffeldgasse 16, 8010 Graz
Professional Interests
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition,
Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Fractal Geometry
Personal Interests
Chaos Theory, Theory of Evolution, Ancient Mythology and Religions
Cycling, Rock Climbing, Canoeing, Traveling, Photography
Slovak, English (fluent), German (passive)
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2007-present: Institut fur Maschinelles Sehen und Darstellen, Technische Universitat (Graz, AU)
2006-2007: Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics, Comenius University (Bratislava, SR)
Rigorous Thesis: Divide&Conquer based Vectorization
2001-2006: Computer Science at Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics, Comenius University (Bratislava, SR)
Master Degree. Master Thesis: Fast Area-based Stereo Algorithm
1992-2000: Gymnazium Nitra
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Tosiyasu Lawrence KUNII Award 2006
2nd place at SVOC 2006 Czech - Slovak final round
3rd Best CESCG Presentation Award CESCG 2006