Smoleňová K., Kurth W., Cournède P.-H.:
Parallel graph grammars with instantiation rules allow efficient structural factorization of virtual vegetation.
ECEASST 61 (2013), 1-17.
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Smoleňová K., Henke M., Ong Y., Kurth W.:
Rule-based integration of LIGNUM into GroIMP.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models
(Saariselkä, Finland, 2013), Sievänen R., Nikinmaa E., Godin C., Lintunen A., Nygren P. (Eds.), pp. 214-216.
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Ong Y., Smoleňová K., Henke M., Kurth W.:
Integrating multiple scale dynamics: Application to Fagus sylvatica under ozone exposure.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models
(Saariselkä, Finland, 2013), Sievänen R., Nikinmaa E., Godin C., Lintunen A., Nygren P. (Eds.), pp. 192-194.
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Kurth W., Wasilczuk K., Henke M., Smoleňová K., Ong Y.:
A Blender addon for the 3-d digitizer FASTRAK for plant structure acquisition.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models
(Saariselkä, Finland, 2013), Sievänen R., Nikinmaa E., Godin C., Lintunen A., Nygren P. (Eds.), pp. 101.
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Henke M., Smoleňová K., Ong Y., Kurth W.:
An extension of the graph-grammar based simulator GroIMP for visual specification of plant models using components.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models
(Saariselkä, Finland, 2013), Sievänen R., Nikinmaa E., Godin C., Lintunen A., Nygren P. (Eds.), pp. 217-219.
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Hemmerling R., Evers J.B., Smoleňová K., Buck-Sorlin G., Kurth W.:
of the GroIMP modelling platform to allow easy specification of differential equations
describing biological processes within plant models.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 92 (2013), 1-8.
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Smoleňová K., Henke M., Kurth W.:
Rule-based integration of GreenLab into GroIMP with GUI aided parameter input.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 4th International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation,
Visualization and Applications (Shanghai, China, 2012),
Kang M.Z., Dumont Y., Guo Y., (Eds.), IEEE, Beijing, pp. 347-354.
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Andrej Ferko, David Běhal, Peter Borovský, Zuzana Černeková, Jana Dadová,
Elena Dušková, Michal Fano, Milan Ftáčnik, Peter Kubíni, Viktor Major,
Jozef Martinka, Ján Lacko, Ján Laurenčík, Ľubomír Lúčan, Michal Nociar,
Matej Novotný, Daniela Onačilová, Peter Praženica, Martin Samuelčík,
Katarína Smoleňová, Stanislav Stanek, Elena Šikudová, Kateřina Tátraiová,
Lukáš Tencer, Miroslava Valíková, Ivana Varhaníková, Martin Vataha, Matej
Zeman, Marek Zimányi. 2010. Politika paměti, digitalizace kulturního
dědictví a virtuální muzea v roce 2042. Pp. xx-xx in
Muzeum, autorský zákon a digitalizace,
Brno, 2.- 3. listopadu 2010. Praha: AMG 2011. (to appear). |
Smoleňová K., Buck-Sorlin G., Hemmerling R., Kurth W.: Extension of a functional-structural
model of barley for modelling of carbon and nitrogen partitioning.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (Davis, 2010),
DeJong T., Da Silva D., (Eds.), University of California, pp. 27-29. |
Smoleňová K., Hemmerling R., Kurth W.: Towards the reconstruction of historical
gardens and parks using the techniques of FSPM. In Proceedings of the 6th
International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models(Davis, 2010), DeJong T.,
Da Silva D., (Eds.), University of California, p. 273. |
Smoleňová K., Ferko A., Hemmerling R.: Towards Automatic Illustration of
Text Files. In International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics,
Visualization, and Imaging (CD ROM) (London, 2010), The Eurographics Association, 2 p. |
Hemmerling R., Smoleňová K., Kurth W.: A Programming Language Tailored
to the Specification and Solution of Differential Equations Describing Processes
on Networks. In Language and Automata Theory and Applications,
Dediu A.-H., Fernau H., Martín-Vide C., (Eds.), vol. 6031 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 297-308.
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Ferko A., Běhal D., Borovský P., Černeková Z., Dadová J., Dušková E., Fano M.,
Ftáčnik M., Kubíni P., Major V., Martinka J., Lacko J., Laurenčík J., Lúčan Ľ.,
Nociar M., Novotný M., Onačilová D., Praženica P., Samuelčík M., Smoleňová K.,
Stanek S., Šikudová E., Tátraiová-Dařílková K., Tencer L., Valíková M.,
Varhaníková I., Vataha M., Zeman M., Zimányi M.: Národný program virtualizácie
slovenských múzeí a galérií. In Digitalizácia múzejných zbierok : Zborník príspevkov
z medzinárodného sympózia (Bratislava, 2009), Slovenské technické múzeum, pp. 33-50. |
Ferko A., Ďurikovič R., Zimányi M., Stanek S., Šikudová E., Borovský P., Samuelčík M.,
Kubíni P., Novotný P., Valient M., Tátraiová-Dařílková K., Smoleňová K., Bujňák T.,
Nociar M., Tóth Z., Lacko J., Novotný M., Černeková Z., Florek M., Onačilová D.:
Real-time rendering a zložitosť geometrických algoritmov pre virtuálnu realitu.
Tech. rep., FMFI UK, Bratislava, 2009. |
Smoleňová K., Hemmerling R.: Growing virtual plants for virtual worlds.
In SCCG '08: Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
(Bratislava 2008), Myszkowski K., (Ed.), Comenius University, pp. 77-84.
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Ferko A., Borovský P., Fano M., Kubíni P., Lacko J., Laurenčík J.,
Samuelčík M., Smoleňová K., Stanek S., Šikudová E., Tátraiová-Dařílková K., Zeman M.:
Virtual museum technologies. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference Virtual University VU'07 (Bratislava, 2007), Slovenská e-akadémia, pp. 37-44. |
Smoleňová K.: Prehľad geometrických metód na modelovanie virtuálnej
vegetácie. In Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry (Bratislava, 2007),
vol. 16, Slovak University of Technology, pp. 110-114. |
Borovský P., Fano M., Ferko A., Kubíni P., Lacko J., Smoleňová
K., Stanek S., Šikudová E., Tátraiová-Dařílková K., Zeman M.: A new hardware
and software integrated solution for virtual museum. In Komunikatívny
priestor (Bratislava, 2007), Slovenská technická univerzita, pp. 55-61. |
Smoleňová K., Černušáková D.: Chránené, ohrozené a endemické druhy cievnatých rastlín
Ostrej a Tupej skaly (Oravská vrchovina). In Bull. Slov. Bot. Spol., vol. 28.
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