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Graphics links

Slovak CG conference - www.sccg.sk

Anderej Ferko's page - www.sccg.sk/~ferko

Subdivision surfaces - mrl.nyu.edu/projects/subdivision

Czech CG conference in Pilsen - www.wscg.eu

OpenGL links

Homepage of OpenGL - www.opengl.org

Tutorial page - nehe.gamedev.net

Czech OpenGL page - www.opengl.cz

OpenGL resource page - www.glprogramming.com

Another good examples - www.codesampler.com/oglsrc.htm

Shaders examples - www.humus.name

AMD developer zone - developer.amd.com

NVIDIA developer zone - developer.nvidia.com

Fractal links

Fractal articles in Czech language - www.root.cz/serialy/fraktaly-v-pocitacove-grafice

Hilbert's cube filling curve - www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~wgilbert/Research/HilbertCurve/HilbertCurve.html

Fractal screensaver - fractalarts.com/ASF/FASP.html

About fractals (Czech) - www.fit.vutbr.cz/~tisnovpa/fractals.html

Useful fractal software - www.fractint.org

Strange attractors - ccrma-www.stanford.edu/~stilti/images/chaotic_attractors/nav.html

Fractal resources - fractalfoundation.org

General links

Searching the web - www.google.com

Newspaper - www.sme.sk

Another newspaper - www.pravda.sk

Computer games - www.sector.sk

Movie news & reviews - www.kinema.sk

Adobe PDF viewer - www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html