
Ja som ja a je mi fajn:)

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Spektrum vedy

spektrum vedy Spektrum vedy je cyklus televíznych dokumentov o práci a úspechoch slovenských vedcov, o ich mimoriadnych objavoch. Ide o spoločný popularizačný projekt, ktorý vznikol v spolupráci Centra vedecko-technických informácií SR (CVTI SR), Slovenskej akadémie vied (SAV) a Slovenskej televízie. Spolu má STV odvysielať 20 dielov. 23.10. 2012 sa vysielal diel zameraný na poítačovú grafiku.

Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second

Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it visualizes the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it shows light itself in motion. This technology may someday be used to build cameras that can look "around" corners or see inside the body without X-rays.

SIGGRAPH 2012 : Computer Animation Festival Trailer

The SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival is the annual festival for the world's most innovative, accomplished, and amazing digital film and video creators. An internationally recognized jury receives hundreds of submissions and presents the best work of the year in daily Festival Screenings and the Electronic Theater. Selections include outstanding achievements in time-based art, scientific visualization, visual effects, real-time graphics, and narrative shorts. SIGGRAPH 2012 takes place 5-9 August in Los Angeles, California. Visit to learn more.