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- Pokorná, B., Chalmovianský, P., Avoiding Quadratic Obstacles in the Euclidean Plane Using Cubic Bézier Paths, Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry, vol. 24, 2015, (pp. 205-210).
- Bátorová, M., Chalmovianský, P., Pokorná, B., Valíková, M., Singular Point of Curves - Structure, Visualization and Application in Geometric Modelling , Information Technology Applications: Journal, Vol. 2. Bratislava: Paneuropean University, 2013, ISSN 1338-6468, (pp. 5-22).
- Pokorná, B., Chalmovianský, P., Planar cubic space-like Bézier curves in three dimensional Minkowski space, Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry, vol. 21, 2012, (pp. 93-98).
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- Pokorná, B., Quadratic space-like Bézier curves in three dimensional Minkowski space, Project of Dissertation Thesis, 2012.
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